All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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2 books by Kieron Gillen

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The Wicked and the Divine
by Kieron Gillen
Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever.
Main character is a woc. The author has confirmed that one of the characters is non binary. A lot of characters are non-white, and one of the main characters is a Japanese-British trans woman. Several characters have had relationships with people of the same gender or multiple genders.
lesbian, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, race East Asian, Black 204 YA

Young Avengers
by Kieron Gillen
Legacy isn't a dirty word...but it's an irrelevant one. It's not important what our parents did. It matters what WE do. Someone has to save the world. You're someone. Do the math. The critically acclaimed team of Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie reinvent the teen super hero comic for the 21st century, uniting Wiccan, Hulkling and Kate "Hawkeye" Bishop with Kid Loki, Marvel Boy and Ms. America. No pressure, right? As a figure from Loki's past emerges, Wiccan makes a horrible mistake that comes back to bite everyone on their communal posteriors. Fight scenes! Fake IDs! And plentiful feels! (aka "meaningful emotional character beats" for people who aren't on tumblr.) Young Avengers is as NOW! as the air in your lungs, and twice as vital. Hyperbole is the BEST! THING! EVER!
Various queer characters: a gay couple, America Chavez is a bisexual woman, and Loki is genderqueer
gay, bisexual, race, genderqueer, Hispanic 2013 YA

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
transgender nonbinary
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multiple culture all-female
disability poly
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intersex aromantic

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